Executive and Team Coaching Mastery (Track Three)

Business Track Three

Executive and Team Coaching Mastery (Track Three)

Explore the translation of the latest scientific thinking into practical learning, with a focus on academic thought leadership, knowledge-based and practical-led coaching.

  • Schedule 1:
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    The Future of Coaching: Vision, Leadership and Responsibility in a transforming world

    Hetty Einzig

    Hello! I am Hetty Einzig and in this session of the conference, I will make the case for coaching to step up as a profession.

    Given the context of a VUCA world and the immense challenges humanity now faces I believe coaching has a greater role to play than as handmaidens to performance success. I believe coaches are in a unique position as trusted collaborators of those in powerful positions to effect change. Power carries responsibility.

    The idea that coaching is neutral, and that coaches have no agenda is no longer tenable: coaches are not simply technicians of clever models and techniques; they are change-makers. I believe coaches need to fully recognise this power and responsibility, and the potential for coaching to be a noble profession.

    To step up as responsible partners with the leaders they work with coaches need to go deeper and wider. We need to reflect on vision, values and ethics; help to build appropriate leadership for a complex and volatile world. We need to rethink thinking as a whole-body activity, understand anxiety, our own and others - in the face of a planet in the deep trouble; and engage with the positive cultural and demographic drivers for change as we enter a new decade - a decade where we will all be tested.
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    Sitting in the Fire: The Journey to Team Coaching Mastery

    Georgina Woudstra

    The fast-growing field of Team Coaching offers an exciting opportunity for coaches to deliver larger organizational programmes that can make a much bigger difference across organizational systems. However, teams are complex, and their needs are different to the needs of the clients who come for individual coaching.

    Team coaching can often be challenging and team coaches need to master different skills to thrive and to make a meaningful difference to the teams they coach. In this session, we will look at the journey to team coaching mastery and what it takes to “sit in the fire”.

    In this session, Georgina is in dialogue with Caroll Macey, they look at the journey to team coaching mastery and what it takes to “sit in the fire”.

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    How Coaching delivers Value Beyond the Individual

    Peter Hawkins

    Executive Coaching has achieved a great deal in the last 40 years in providing bespoke personal development. Now the need is to deliver impact through systemic individual and systemic team coaching that creates value for all the client's stakeholders. This session will first describe how systemic coaching and systemic team coaching is different from other forms of coaching and team development and then present models and approaches which will immediately increase the ripple effect of your coaching work.

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    Millennials & Gen Z: The Future of Coaching and Leadership

    Charlie Stainforth

    Young people have never been more entitled, impatient and ungrateful...or have they? And does it even matter?

    In this session, Charlie Stainforth, Co-Founder of CIRCL, an organization that trains and develops emerging Leader Coaches, will explore how younger people respond to a coaching approach to leadership and what consequence this will have for the future of work and the workplace.

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    LIVE Executive Coaching Circles

    Our LIVE Executive Coaching Circles will offer leaders & coaches the opportunity to experience coaching in real time in a facilitated group process. Executive Directors from successful startups and international companies will share their biggest challenges, what they see as opportunities for growth and how they see the future of coaching. They will talk to us, and to one another, to give us even deeper insights into our vital role as coaches.
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    The Science of Effective Coaching

    Richard Boyatzis

    Based on decades of his own and colleagues’ research into emotional intelligence competencies and coaching, including dozens of longitudinal studies as well as hormonal and neuroimaging studies, Professor Richard Boyatzis will lead the audience through examples of what effective coaching feels like, as well as understanding the neural processes that foster or inhibit it.

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    Team Coaching Advanced | Sensing & Making Moves around Accountability

    Alexander Caillet

    The Corentus Team Coaching model includes three components: sensing (observing the team in action); making moves (real-time interventions), and being (the presence and state of mind necessary to sense and make moves effectively).

    In this advanced workshop, we will focus on sensing and making moves around a critical area of team functioning: accountability. While many client teams report having challenges with accountability, very few can clearly articulate exactly what they do that’s problematic or what capabilities they might be missing. Focusing on specific accountability-related behaviours—and collective patterns of behaviour—can help both the client and the practitioner gain clarity on the team’s current state, desired state, and the next steps forward. ‘Coaching moves’ targets behaviours and patterns in real time helping the team develop new awareness, skills, and tools that drive immediate improvement in outcomes.

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    Meeting the need for credible team coaches

    Declan Woods

    This short session will explain the Association for Coaching (AC) latest work in team coaching. Dr. Declan Woods will talk about the market need for a Team Coach accreditation scheme, the AC’s work to date developing the scheme, and the steps to be taken to launch it.

    Declan will discuss what this means for coaches operating as team and group practitioners as well as coach training providers and organizational buyers of team coaching.

    There will be ample time to ask and answer any questions and share thinking on the scheme, the approach to creating it and implications for practitioners and organizations.

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    Saving Face: How to preserve dignity and build trust

    Maya Hu-Chan

    Face is the new social currency of our time. Face represents one’s self-esteem, self-worth, identity, reputation, status, pride, and dignity. The more face you have, the easier and faster you can get things done. “Saving face” is a universal concept that enables you to connect with people, break down barriers, and build trust and long-term relationships. When the phrase “it’s not about the money” is used, the real issue is often about face.

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    The perfect match: how to predict the working alliance in coaching

    Svenja Haus

    What makes the relationship between coach and client so unique and promising? Studies show that the working alliance in coaching, in addition to the self-efficacy of the client and the confidence of the coach, is the most important factor that makes coaching successful. But how do I develop a high working alliance in coaching and what should be considered in matching? Which criteria predict a high quality of relationship and how can they be taken into account in the process of finding the right coach?

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    The perfect match: how to predict the working alliance in coaching

    Dr. Carolin Graßmann

    What makes the relationship between coach and client so unique and promising? Studies show that the working alliance in coaching, in addition to the self-efficacy of the client and the confidence of the coach, is the most important factor that makes coaching successful. But how do I develop a high working alliance in coaching and what should be considered in matching? Which criteria predict a high quality of relationship and how can they be taken into account in the process of finding the right coach?

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    Coaching Financial Wellness During Times of Volatility

    Brian Portnoy, Ph.D., CFA

    Money is many things beyond a means of exchange: it is a language, an emotional lightning rod, and a conduit for safety, freedom, and even identity. Despite its centrality to the human experience, however, money is not something we discuss easily. The human brain did not evolve to skilfully make financial decisions and as a consequence, it is a “third rail” in many personal and professional relationships.

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    Coaching for Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Martyn Newman

    In this session, Clinical and Corporate Psychologist Dr Martyn Newman provides 5 key psychological insights that integrate the science of human potential with emotional Intelligence and mindfulness to help coaches support leaders through crisis.

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