Angela Wright
AC Regional Co-Chair East Coast, USA and Partner, CEC Global LLC
New York, United States of America

Angela Wright
Internal Coaching Supervision - Necessity or Nice to Have?
Session Summary:
Over the last two decades, the use of coaching as a means of enhancing performance and development has increased substantially, with the growth of internal coaching set to rise exponentially as organizations look to build their internal coaching capability. Despite increasing interest in coaching supervision globally, there has been limited focus on the supervision of internal coaches.
In this session, we will explore supervision in the context of the unique challenges faced by internal coaches and organizations, including issues surrounding the multiplicity of roles, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, boundary management, capacity building, power dynamics, ethical dilemmas and Duty of Care.
Speaker Bio:
Angela is a partner in CEC Global, a specialist coaching, consulting and leadership development firm. She currently serves as the Regional Co-Chair of the Association for Coaching, USA, East Coast. In 2018 she received an award from the European Mentoring & Coaching Council for her contribution to coaching supervision. Before transitioning into coaching, Angela practiced as an attorney, where she specialized in disputes around professional responsibility, breach of duty of care, conflicts of interest and ethical issues. She was also part of the writing team responsible for drafting the world’s first ISO (International Organization for Standards) aligned Guideline for the training of coaches and the provision of coaching services. Angela co-facilitates the Oxford Brookes University Advanced Professional Program in Coaching Supervision in the U.S.