Gillian Jones-Williams
Managing Director and Founder of Emerge Development Consultancy
Hampshire, United Kingdom

Gillian Jones-Williams
Why Doesn't a Coaching Culture Work?
Session Summary:
“Why hasn’t my coaching culture stuck?” is the lament of many Human Resources Directors in organizations around the world. Creating a coaching culture is not a project, or a quick fix, or something that can be “done to people”. Changing culture is hard work and needs an ongoing commitment for it to work with senior leaders, managers, teams, the HR department and even suppliers. It is worth taking a look at how the expectations of what a coaching culture can deliver, versus the effort it takes to create and maintain a culture of learning, seem to be leaving companies a bit cold.
Over the last 10 years, many Human Resources Directors have revealed that having a coaching culture is one of their top objectives. Reduced training budgets, ambivalence over using online platforms and the variable results from mobile learning mean that coaching in the workplace is more vital than ever before when it comes to developing people. A coaching culture is also clearly linked to companies’ desire to empower their staff to gain greater productivity, as coaching is recognized as the key to empowerment. However, the mistake that many organizations make is believing that teaching managers how to coach is the key to creating a coaching culture.
This presentation looks at some of the reasons why coaching cultures don’t appear to be working and how your company can be one of those that successfully achieve the change and realise the impactin the organization.
Speaker’s Bio:
Gillian Jones is Managing Director and founder of Emerge Development Consultancy. For over 22 years Gillian has worked on organizational strategy development and change initiatives with companies worldwide. Gillian partners with many organizations to implement inclusivity and culture change. She has designed and delivered programs of varying sizes to national organizations and independent companies in multinational cultures having facilitated events and coached executives in Europe, the Middle and Far East, USA and Australia.
Gillian is a Master Executive Coach; she coaches senior executives around the world. Gillian is also an author and has contributed to the coaching book, “Best Practice in Performance Coaching” published by Kogan Page in September 2007 and endorsed by Sir John Whitmore and Richard Branson. She has also co-authored 50 Top Tools for Coaching which was published by Kogan Page in Autumn 2009 and is about to write the 5th edition. Gillian is an expert in implementing culture change, and her book ‘How to Create a Coaching Culture Strategy’ is in its 2nd Edition.