Jonathan Passmore

Jonathan Passmore

Professor, Henley Business School, UK

London, United Kingdom


Jonathan Passmore

Session Length: 75 minutes
Schedule 1:
Schedule 2:

Building a Coaching Culture

Session Summary:

Most organizations understand that coaching can help their leaders, managers, and teams to solve problems, manage workplace stress and improve relationships, but are they harvesting the full potential that coaching offers? In this session, Jonathan will talk about how HR managers and business leaders can take practical steps to enhance their use of coaching; delivering better value for money and improving impact. Jonathan will explain how organizations can use the LEAD Coaching Culture Audit Tool to optimize coaching and move closer towards achieving a true coaching culture.

Speaker’s Bio:

Jonathan is an internationally respected and award-winning coach, author, and researcher. He has worked in the commercial sector for firms such as PWC and IBM, as well as leading his own consulting company. He has published widely, with over 30 books and 100 scientific articles including the Wiley Blackwell Series of Psychology Handbooks and practitioner titles such as ‘Top Business Psychology Models’ and ‘Mastery in Coaching’. He has spoken at over 200 events worldwide and has been a keen supporter of the AC since its inception. Jonathan is the Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching, which is the only university in the world to a provide triple accredited university award coach programme. He also is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Evora, Portugal. Jonathan believes in sharing his work for free; you can download many of his papers and writing on his website or from his ResearchGate page. You can connect to Jonathan on LinkedIn.

Jonathan Passmore Highlights