Maya Hu-Chan
President, Global Leadership Associates
San Diego, California, United States of America

Maya Hu-Chan
Saving Face: How to preserve dignity and build trust
Session Summary:
Face is the new social currency of our time. Face represents one’s self-esteem, self-worth, identity, reputation, status, pride, and dignity. The more face you have, the easier and faster you can get things done. “Saving face” is a universal concept that enables you to connect with people, break down barriers, and build trust and long-term relationships. When the phrase “it’s not about the money” is used, the real issue is often about face.
Join us on June 26th as Maya Hu-Chan, author of Saving Face: How to Preserve Dignity and Build Trust explains how we can honour face to build trust, avoid causing others to lose face, and, most importantly, build authentic, lasting relationships inside and outside the workplace.
In this session, you will learn:
- What does it mean to apply the concept of face at the workplace, and why is losing face such a bad thing?
- How do you build up the “face account” and avoid the risk of “overdraft”?
- How can leaders embrace face to forge stronger, more authentic partnerships with clients and colleagues across cultural, generational, and gender differences?
- How can coaches honour and save face to build trust and inspire excellence for their clients?
Speaker Bio:
Maya Hu-Chan is president of Global Leadership Associates, an international management-consulting firm based in San Diego, California. Since founding the firm in 1992, she has built a reputation for excellence in executive coaching, global leadership, and cross-cultural management.
Maya’s new book “Saving Face: How to Preserve Dignity and Build Trust” will be released in June 2020 (Berrett-Koehler). She is the co-author of “Global Leadership: The Next Generation,” recommended by Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. She is also a contributing author of 10 business books. Among numerous awards, Maya was named one of the top 8 Global Solutions Thinkers in the world by Thinkers50.
Her charismatic and engaging style has made her a regular conference presenter and popular keynote speaker. Maya has lectured at The Brookings Institution, the University of Southern California, Penn State University, The University of Chicago, Dartmouth College and the University of California, San Diego.
Born and raised in Taiwan, Maya received her bachelor’s degree in journalism and business from National Chengchi University. She was an anchor for the China Broadcasting Company, then moved to the U.S. to get a master’s degree from The University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School of Communications. She served as the CEO of a non-profit organization in San Diego before embarking on her consulting career.
She lives in San Diego, California, with her husband and their triplets.