Richard Boyatzis
Professor of Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America

Richard Boyatzis
The Science of Effective Coaching
Session Summary:
Based on decades of his own and colleagues’ research into emotional intelligence competencies and coaching, including dozens of longitudinal studies as well as hormonal and neuroimaging studies, Professor Richard Boyatzis will lead the audience through examples of what effective coaching feels like, as well as understanding the neural processes that foster or inhibit it. This session will address the following:
- A process for developing sustainable improvement on EI, resonant relationships and the central role of compassion in it.
- Understanding the psycho-physiological role of the Positive Emotional Attractor and the Negative Emotional Attractor in motivating change or encouraging the status quo regression.
- Perceiving how coaching with compassion is effective in helping people change in sustainable ways, but coaching for compliance is not. And why it is crucial to the sustainability of the leader (i.e. the coach) as well.
- Understanding the neural activations involved in these two forms of coaching and why one prepares a person to consider change and learning and the other closes their minds.
- How to coach others to develop EI, resonant leadership, and to sustainably change.
Speaker’s Bio:
Richard E. Boyatzis is a distinguished University Professor of Case Western Reserve University. He is a Professor in the Departments of Organizational Behaviour, Psychology, and Cognitive Science, HR Horvitz Professor of Family Business, and Adjunct Professor in People/Organizations at ESADE. He has a BS in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and an MS and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard University.
Using his Intentional Change Theory (ICT), he studies sustained and desired change at all levels of human endeavour from individuals, teams, organizations, communities and countries. He has been specifically researching helping and coaching since 1967. He was ranked #9 Most Influential International Thinker by HR Magazine in 2012 and 2014. He is the author of more than 200 articles on leadership, competencies, emotional intelligence, competency development, coaching, neuroscience and management education. His Coursera MOOC, Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence has over 780,000 enrolled from 215 countries. His 9 books include The Competent Manager; the international best-seller, Primal Leadership with Daniel Goleman and Annie McKee; Resonant Leadership, with Annie McKee; and Helping People Change: Coaching with Compassion or Lifelong Learning and Growth with Melvin Smith and Ellen Van Oosten.
He is a Fellow of the Association of Psychological Science and the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.